Dance Seasons & Auditions

Be The Coolest Dance Mom Ever!

Be The Coolest Dance Mom Ever!

TV shows like “Dance Moms” have given a notorious reputation to all dance parents. Some tips and ideas on how to beat the stereotypes and be the coolest dance mom or dance dad, ever!
by Danielle Hernandez on March 29, 2019
How to Create a Successful College Dance Portfolio

How to Create a Successful College Dance Portfolio

Present yourself well with these tips to build a great dance portfolio.
by Danielle Hernandez on March 05, 2019
Why Competitive Dancing is the Best Decision of a Dancer’s Life

Why Competitive Dancing is the Best Decision of a Dancer’s Life

"Ever wondered- what “competition dancers” are all about? Maybe you already ARE one and are going through self-doubts like “Is it worth it?"" ""Will it help my future?""The questions are not only valid but something to be taken very seriously especially by a young dancer as they choose their path. As a dance parent, you may have noticed how competition dancers have received a reputation while the dance world exploded onto reality TV. Without getting into the drama it entails, as a dance teacher, I have seen many positive outcomes that have come out of competitive dancing. "
by Danielle Hernandez on February 27, 2019
Top Tips for College Dance Auditions

Top Tips for College Dance Auditions

Whether you are auditioning for college, a dance company or an entertainment position, auditions are a fact of life for every dancer. Serious high school dancers can relate to the urge to nail that extra pirouette or jump just a little bit higher. Here is some news for you, sky-high extensions or picture perfect Pointe won’t be enough when you audition for a college dance program.
by Danielle Hernandez on February 27, 2019
Dance Competition Season- Things you must know and must do!

Dance Competition Season- Things you must know and must do!

As a dancer, competitive dance is the next step to...
by Danielle Hernandez on January 23, 2019
Got Late in Enrolling for the Dance Class? Here is what you should know

Got Late in Enrolling for the Dance Class? Here is what you should know

Planning to enroll in the dance classes? The first question...
by Danielle Hernandez on January 23, 2019



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